Life as a broke college student

Hey everyone,

Sorry its been awhile since I’ve posted anything. Life has been a little hectic with mid-terms and now finals, eeks! But then its summer so its all good.

So, I’m gonna take a different approach on this post for Behind the Screen, its story time. You’ll all get a kick out of this I’m sure.

I want you to think back to the days of being a college student, remember the lovely aroma of ramen cooking in the microwave? Or all those late nights of studying? But of course you have to remember what it was

Welcome to the Life of High Gas Prices

like to be a broke college student. Budgeting every last cent just to last you the rest of the year. Do you remember forgetting to add gas into your budget? And then you’re driving, you’re running late to work, and you’re car slows down, chug chug chug, and oops you’re out of gas. You’re like, “Greeat! What do I do now?”

Well, on Monday it was one of those days for me. I was running late to work and my tank was on empty. Uh oh. I had made it almost all the way to work and then…yep, my car slowed down and I heard the chug, chug. I just kinda coasted the rest of the way and I encouraged my car to make it all the way to the parking lot. By a couple words of encouragement and coasting along, my car made it to the parking lot and almost to a parking spot. Then it completely stopped and I had to get it to a parking spot so that it wasn’t in the way. I am no grease monkey by any means so for me, a complete girly girl, to try to push my car into the parking spot was a brilliant effort. Luckily, there was a nice gentleman in the parking lot who helped me push it into the parking spot.

I am super late to work by this time, so I hurry as quickly as I can. And I arrive completely out of breath. I couldn’t worry about my car and gas at that time so I just got to work on the things I needed to get done. 11:30 comes around and I need to be back at the school by 12:30 since I needed to get lunch and go to class at 1, so I decide I should probably figure out what I should do to get back to campus.

My job is in the center of town, and the closest gas station is across the bridge. So, I did what most college students in my position would do, I started walking. I walked to the other side of town and then over the bridge, across the street, and then there, a great sight to see, the Kum & Go gas station. As most students are, I was very short on cash, I had like 7 dollars. I couldn’t afford a spare gas tank so I asked the cashier, if they happened to have a loaner tank. Luckily, they did. With the prices of gas these days, I got maybe like a gallon of gas for 4 dollars.

This is where the fun part comes in. My journey began. Picture a complete girly girl, carrying around a gas tank all over town, yep that was me. It was so annoying, the tank kept dripping and I couldn’t stop it. So it spilled all over my jeans and my boots. I finally arrived at my destination. The gas tank was confusing to work so it took me a couple minutes to figure it out but I did. I poured it in the gas tank and it brought my car back to life.

I was running kinda late again so I hurried as quickly as I could back to campus. This is the embarrassing part. I wasn’t aware at that time that the gas had spilled all over me. So I go to math class, I didn’t have time to change. After a couple minutes of being in class, a kid exclaims, “It smells like spray paint in here”. It was embarrassing but I fessed up and told him that I ran out of gas and that the gas had spilled on me. Another girl was like, “Its okay, I like the smell of gas.” It was pretty embarrassing and it was quite an adventurous Monday.

Hope you got a kick out of my story, thanks for reading the inside look for Behind the Screen.

2 thoughts on “Life as a broke college student

  1. Yeah- I’ve had this happen. It sounds like you handled everything very well. And Kudos for still making it to both work and class!

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